
The Petaluma Spring Real Estate Market

Spring is here and with spring comes an onslaught of homes hitting the market for sale.  Although the inventory hitting the market is below the averages we have seen throughout the last 5 years, the spring increase in Petaluma homes is still evident.  As of Tuesday 48 homes were active and available on the Westside of Petaluma, and 29 were active and available for purchase on the Eastside of Petaluma.   What price range are we seeing the largest increase in new listings that stay active longer in Sonoma County?  The homes that are active and staying active longer are above a million dollars.  Who would have ever guessed in 2012 that just 6 years later we would have the inventory of 1,000,000+ homes that we currently do in Petaluma.  Year to date in 2018 we have seen a 37% increase in home sales above one million dollars in Sonoma County.


  As a Petaluma Realtor this price point is exciting because of the positive effect that these home buyers average incomes have on our community.  On the opposite edge of the sword it can make home buyers looking to upgrade pretty nervous.  Regardless of your viewpoint it is great to see an increase of property for sale in Petaluma.  Please check in each week to this blog to see the latest news, analytics, and opinions on everything Real Estate related in Sonoma County! 

Finally its time for your buy it, sell it, live it tip of the week.  Get up on those roofs and check the gutters!  I have linked a great local roofing company, Wedge Roofing, to the tip if you don’t want to break those ladders out and check them yourselves. 

Thanks for Reading,

Mike Ward